Many years ago, during Phoenix Comic-con met the insanely talented and the very phunny, Elisa Wikey. My friend and fellow comic book creator, John Layman, wanted me to pal around with him before the show started, to look around and say hello to fellow peers. And one of those stops was at Elisa Wikey’s booth. Standing behind an artist-alley table, covered in a bright yellow table cloth, Elisa showed off her fantastic work. This particular year, her work consisted of different versions of the beloved character Ron Swanson. One of my wife’s favorite characters from the TV show Parks & Rec. As I listen to John and Elisa talk, I perused through her work, touching almost everything on her table (Something that Covid-19 will put a stop to for a bit). I was fascinated and enamored by the creativity of Elisa’s work. Every picture had put a smile on my face. It is just a joy to look at. Later in the show, I went back and bought my wife an anniversary gift of Ron Swanson as Lord Darth Vader (...